Here are two examples of pushdown automata (PDA) for the languages you mentioned:
- PDA for the language (a^n b^n c^n d^n):
- Initial state: q0
- Accepting state: qf
- q0, ε, ε -> q1 ($, $)
- q1, a, ε -> q1 (a, $)
- q1, b, a -> q2 (ε, a)
- q2, b, a -> q2 (ε, a)
- q2, c, a -> q3 (ε, ε)
- q3, c, a -> q3 (ε, ε)
- q3, d, ε -> q4 (ε, ε)
- q4, d, ε -> q4 (ε, ε)
- q4, ε, $ -> qf (ε, ε)
In this PDA, we start by pushing a marker symbol ($) onto the stack. Then, for each 'a' input, we push 'a' onto the stack. When we encounter 'b', we start popping 'a' symbols from the stack. After processing all 'b' inputs, we transition to a state where we start popping 'c' symbols from the stack. Finally, we transition to a state where we pop 'd' symbols until the stack is empty. If we reach an accepting state with an empty stack, the PDA accepts the input string.
- PDA for the language (a^n b^n a^n b^n):
- Initial state: q0
- Accepting state: qf
- q0, ε, ε -> q1 ($, $)
- q1, a, ε -> q1 (a, $)
- q1, b, ε -> q2 (b, a)
- q2, b, a -> q2 (b, a)
- q2, a, a -> q3 (ε, ε)
- q3, a, a -> q3 (ε, ε)
- q3, b, a -> q4 (ε, ε)
- q4, b, a -> q4 (ε, ε)
- q4, ε, $ -> qf (ε, ε)
This PDA works similarly to the previous one. We push a marker symbol ($) onto the stack and then push 'a' symbols for each 'a' input. When we encounter 'b', we push 'b' onto the stack. After processing all 'a' inputs, we start popping 'a' symbols from the stack for each 'b' input. If we reach an accepting state with an empty stack, the PDA accepts the input string.
These PDAs demonstrate the general idea of how you can design a PDA for these particular languages. Please note that these are simplified examples, and there can be multiple variations in the design of PDAs for these languages.