Monday, 13 March 2023

Beginner's Guide to Conditional Rendering in React: Examples and Code

 Conditional rendering is a powerful feature in React that allows developers to control which components or elements are displayed based on certain conditions. This can make your application more dynamic and responsive, giving your users a better experience. In this blog, we'll take a look at how to do conditional rendering in React, and provide some code examples for beginners.

First, let's define what we mean by conditional rendering. Essentially, it means that you are only rendering certain parts of your component tree when certain conditions are met. For example, you might want to show a "Loading..." message while your data is being fetched, and then show the actual data once it's available. Or you might want to show different content based on the state of a checkbox or radio button.

There are a few different ways to do conditional rendering in React, but the most common is to use the ternary operator. The ternary operator is a shorthand way of writing an if-else statement, and it looks like this:

condition ? expression1 : expression2

Here's a simple example:

function Greeting(props) {
  const isLoggedIn = props.isLoggedIn;
  return (
      {isLoggedIn ? (
        <h1>Welcome back!</h1>
      ) : (
        <h1>Please log in.</h1>

In this example, we're using the ternary operator to render a different greeting based on whether the user is logged in or not. If isLoggedIn is true, we render "Welcome back!", and if it's false, we render "Please log in." Note that we're using curly braces {} to embed JavaScript expressions within the JSX.

Another way to do conditional rendering is to use the && operator. This can be useful when you only need to render something if a condition is true. Here's an example:

function MyComponent(props) {
  const showButton = props.showButton;
  return (
      {showButton && <button>Click me!</button>}

In this example, we're rendering a button only if showButton is true. If it's false, nothing is rendered.

Finally, you can also use if statements within your components to do conditional rendering. Here's an example:

function MyComponent(props) {
  const isLoggedIn = props.isLoggedIn;
  let content;
  if (isLoggedIn) {
    content = <p>Welcome back!</p>;
  } else {
    content = <p>Please log in.</p>;
  return (
n this example, we're using an if statement to assign the content we want to render to a variable called content, and then we're rendering that variable. This can be useful if you have more complex logic that you want to perform before rendering your content.

So those are three different ways to do conditional rendering in React: using the ternary operator, the && operator, and if statements. Hopefully this gives you a good starting point for implementing conditional rendering in your own React applications!

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